Vacation Bible School – Cancelled


(St. Mary Cause of our Joy, St. Mary of Wayne, St. Richard, Ss. Simon & Jude, and St. Thomas the Apostle)

presents Vacation Bible School
Roar: Life is wild, God is good!

June 19-23, 2023

9:00AM-12:00PM St. Thomas the Apostle Activity Center
31530 Beechwood, Garden City (near Ford/Merriman)

Crafts! Games! Skits! Music! Bible stories!
Activities all helping kids see JESUS in their lives!
Fun for kids of all ages! PreK(age 4) through 5th grade*
NEW! Older children will be grouped together with kids of various ages allowing us all to share our strengths and learn from others!
(*Our youngest PreK students will work together ensuring activities at their skill levels!)

Snacks will be provided each day!
Cost is only $25 per child for the week!

PLEASE SIGN UP by June 12, 2023

Please complete and drop off form (See Below) in an envelope marked VBS in the collection baskets at Mass or at any of the Parish offices
Call 734-425-5550 or e-mail if you have any questions!!!

Letter from our Moderator

Dear friends in Christ,

I trust this message finds you well and at peace.

I am happy to share this announcement from Archbishop Vigneron that we are now officially part of the same Family of Parishes effective July 1, 2021. We have been preparing for this for the past year.

I thank Archbishop Vigneron for placing his trust and confidence in myself as he appoints me as your new Moderator. I am very happy with my new appointment, and I look forward to meeting you and your families as we begin to work, pray and journey together. We are now 5 parishes that have become one family, called to share our resources, gifts and talents and move forward in a future full of hope.

At this point, I only ask two important things:

Firstly, that we thank God for my brother priests who served here in our parishes. May God bless them as they continue to serve the people of God in the Archdiocese of Detroit. 

Secondly, I ask that you pray for me, as your new moderator and my fellow brother priests; Fr. Sean Bonner, Fr. Joe Plawecki, and Fr. Larry Zurawski. Change and transition is not easy. However, I believe, that when you pray for us and we pray for you, together we can make a difference in building up the Body of Christ.

I would like to thank the staffs and volunteers from all of our parishes for their hard work, time and talent, their advice and assistance they have provided. I would also like to thank you for your patience and committed support during COVID-19.  They have been amazing. As we begin this new assignment, we look forward to working together as we seek to grow together in Christ and a future full of hope.

We very much look forward to moving ahead together as time permits, and we continue to be excited about what this means for us as a larger community of faith and service. May God continue to richly bless and take care of you through the Holy Spirit alive in all our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Father Shafiq Hadayat (Fr. Shafique Masih)

Family of Parishes

Why Attend a Family Gathering?

Families of Parishes evolved with the lay faithful in mind. 

  1. Families of Parishes are for the benefit of lay faithful. 
    • We are the Body of Christ.
    • We are meant to worship as community.
    • We need the Sacraments to sanctify and build up the Body of Christ and to give worship to God. CCC 1122
    • If there are not enough priests to minister to each individual parish, the grace of the sacraments will not be available to us.
    • We need to come together as one Body.
    • Come and meet the other parishes in your family, learn about their unique characteristics. Participate in discussions with other members of your family.
  2. Hear stories from lay persons in dioceses that have already participated in such a transition. 
    • We learn through the experiences of others.
  3. Begin the chapter of journeying in faith with many other Catholics in your community.
    • You may see them every day but have never met.
  4. This is what being a joyful missionary disciple is about.
    • Be a witness to your faith.

Family Gathering #3, Witness, Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 6PM.
This third gathering will encourage Family members to celebrate together as a Family, receiving the grace that comes with confidently witnessing to the Gospel.
St. Thomas the Apostle, 31530 Beechwood St, Garden City, MI 48135

Playbook – Families of Parishes

Fr. Shafique named Moderator

We would like to congratulate our Pastor, Fr. Shafique Masih, in being named the Moderator of our local Family of Parishes. Fr. Shafique said he is excited for the chance to grow together with our local family.

West Wayne Vicariate Family 4