My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings and prayerful wishes from your Pastor. I pray that you and your families are keeping well and safe. I assure you that I am praying that the Lord will protect you from all harm as we go through this time of great fear and doubt. We are in this unprecedented time of a global pandemic, and the Church is more important than ever.

It is surely a hard time for each of you to be away from the Sacraments, but it is also a hard time for your priests. I celebrate the Mass every day, but I tell you it is not the same.Fr Shafique Yes, it is painful for the priest to be away from his people. Not only this, we are also suffering because of your pain from being away from Mass. Our lives do not make sense without a people to serve or a flock to tend. As Catholics, we can take this threat as a real spiritual challenge. Let us learn to humble ourselves, turn toward God more fervently, and give ourselves into His hands.

We priests are trying our best to stay connected with our parishioners. Some by a simple phone call, an email, online bulletins or reaching you at home with prerecorded Mass on Sunday. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I encourage you to please stay home, practice social distancing and stay safe. Please let us know if we can do anything to help you at this time. You can call the parish office and leave a message, and someone will get back to you as soon as we can.
Before I end, I would like to thank you for your generous support to our parish at all times. The parish is completely dependent on your weekly financial support, without which the parish is unable to pay its bills, function or operate. So, I thank you for making this possible.

My dear people without the normal weekly offering for the past three weekends we are moving into a challenging financial situation. It is especially important that our parishes receive your offertory support to remain operational even during the suspension of weekly Masses. Personally, I do not like to make a request like this at this time, but my dear people our need is real and very pressing. Hence, I request you kindly send in the support that you can afford to your parishes. You can sign up for online giving on the parish website, or you can mail your checks.

May God Bless you and keep you in His care, and I wish you a Happy Easter. As always, you are in my personal prayers.

I leave you, with God’s blessings,

Your Pastor,

Fr. Shafique Masih

Holy Week 2020

5 thoughts on “A letter from Fr. Shafique

  1. Thank you Father! We miss you as well. My prayer is that this will soon come to an end with the help of our prayers and the help of Our Lord Jesus Christ so we can return to share mass together again. Stay well and May God’s blessings be with you too!


  2. So good to “see” you, Father Shafique! Take care of yourself! How wonderful it will be when we are together again. Our greetings before Mass may take a bit longer.😂


  3. Hi Father, just took advantage of the on-line giving the other day. Originally I thought it was permanent on-line giving but was glad you could make a one time donation. I like giving my weekly envelopes at mass, hopefully some time soon we will be able too again. Also I made a on-line donation to our sister parish since we won’t be able to drop off our collection box. Stay healthy and safe and have a blessed Holy Week. Gary


  4. We also miss you, Fr Shafique, and miss attending Mass, with you celebrating. We look forward to getting back together, again
    It has to our mind that the church’s financial situation might come to a dire state. Therefore, we are signing up today for automatic, online donations. Hopefully, more parishioners will follow suit.
    God bless us, all.
    Bill & Rose Rodriguez


  5. Thank you father for your kind words. Glad you are well. Hope we can be together again soon. Happy Easter to you and stay safe. I will get my offerings in. God Bless!


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